
Hi everyone and welcome to my website! The person “behind the snake” is called Lucia and it’s me. I was born in 1981 and I’m a registered freelance journalist from Italy.

I have a Master Degree in Arts, Music and Showbusiness and I’ve been working in the entertainment field for some years now. I’m a passionate writer, a consistent reader, the next-door piano player and a fantastic (and humble) under-the-shower singer.

Thanks to my job I’ve had the chance to meet talented strangers and celebrities. I decided to start my own website to give you an overview with no glossy filters of the “frivolous world”: basically I’m an entertainment enthusiast who turned into a reporter.

Some guidelines for reading?

Click on HUNT for a closer look to my preys.

Click on SLIGHTER to discover new and awesome places to visit.

Click on PLAY if you need a break.

